
  • Do you remember your first forex trade? If you are like most people, you closed it the moment it showed a small profit. You were probably thinking that you just made some free money. How cool is that? It is precisely this feeling that hooks most people in. At some point, you probably ran into…

  • In this guide, we share with you a winning Stochastic Oscillator strategy for forex. Of course, this is not an invitation to trade this strategy, as, by the time you read this guide, it might have already lost its edge. However, the fact that it was profitable during the two years we backtested it is…

  • Tweezer tops and tweezer bottoms are candlestick patterns. While technical indicators make trading easier for many people, they certainly have their limitations. One of them is lagginess. That is, while there are more responsive technical indicators, they always lag behind price action to some extent. Because trading is so competitive, it’s only reasonable to want…