Inspirational trading quotes are great.
Whether you are going through a losing streak, have blown up your trading account, or don’t know if you can ever be a great trader, it’s easy to lose your enthusiasm.
Don’t worry; you will eventually figure things out.
However, for that to happen, you must keep pushing forward. A list of inspirational trading quotes can fuel your desire and serve as a great motivator.
In this post, we have collected 51 of the most AMAZING quotes ever said.
You’ll find every quote in text format as well as on an image. If you find one to be particularly encouraging, share it with your friends to brighten their day.
#1: Rob Booker on perseverance

“It was clear to me that other people could trade for a living, and if it was possible for other people to do it, then I could persevere long enough to figure it out.”
Becoming an expert in any field requires a tremendous amount of learning and practicing. Throw in the psychological aspects and you’ll see why most people don’t make it as traders. However, the good news is that if you have the perseverance, trading for a living is a reality for you.
#2: Ashkan Bolour on taking trading seriously

“Take [trading] very seriously because, if you do, that’s when you’ll reap the benefits, I think. But if you don’t, you’ll always see the potential, but you’ll never reach it.”
If you take trading seriously, you’ll reach your goals. Even if you weren’t “born” to trade, the right effort and work ethic will take you farther than talent alone. It will take you places that most people only dream about.
#3: Dana Allen on the purpose of trading

“The purpose of trading is not being right, the purpose is to make money, and I think that’s my number-one rule. Don’t get hung up on your current positions.”
Everyone is supposed to look for trades that have an edge over the market and to practice proper money management. If your idea breaks, close your position and move forward. Don’t wait for the market to prove you right. It may never do that.
#4: Michael Jordan on failure

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
Doing something competitive makes you stronger, both mentally and emotionally. One of the greatest athletes, Michael Jordan, missed many shots, but he kept going. That’s why he became so successful. You’ll meet with failure many times, but you must stand up and move forward, just like Jordan did.
#5 Hoosain Harneker on learning to be disciplined

“I’ve seen it with my own guys who have funded an account, lost it, refund it again, lose it again, refund it, lose it again, and then suddenly, by the fourth time, they are up and running and finally trading well.”
In an interview, Harneker talked about how he believes that discipline is something everybody can learn. Although losing your money is a bad thing, the lessons will add up and you will eventually figure things out.
#6: Robert Prechter on over-optimizing trading systems

“Most traders take a good system and destroy it by trying to make it into a perfect system.”
Forex traders always look for the holy grail. In reality, you simply need a good system with which you are comfortable. That way, you’ll find it easier to follow the rules, control your emotions, and practice proper money management.
#7: Larry Hite on risk management

“I have two basic rules about winning in trading as well as in life: 1. If you don’t bet, you can’t win. 2. If you lose all your chips, you can’t bet.”
Some people hate to take risks, while other people love it so much that they lose everything. Neither of these extremes serves your best interest. The golden mean is taking calculated financial risks. That’s what successful traders do.
(Read our guide to common forex trading mistakes. It’s crazy how many people ignore #8…)
#8: William J. O’Neil on cutting your losses

“The whole secret to winning big in the stock market is not to be right all the time, but to lose the least amount possible when you’re wrong.”
As we already know from Larry Hite, you must be very cautious with your risks. Nobody is right all the time, and when you’re on the wrong side of the market, you want to keep your loss as small as possible.
#9 Vince Lombardi on winning all the time

“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don’t do things right once in a while. You do them right all the time.”
Winning in the forex market comes from consistency. It’s not about one excellent trade; it’s about countless excellent trades. Even a losing trade can be excellent if you controlled your risk and had a small edge over the market. That’s how you make money in the long haul.
#10: Franki Law on learning experiences

“Even at times that I think I may have succeeded, I hit a stumbling block, which becomes another learning experience, and that has really been all part of my training to become a successful trader.”
If you scraped through the beginner period and have been trading profitably for a while, you might get overly confident. After all, you beat the odds. Not many people reach this level. That’s when you might derail yourself if you don’t pay attention. Creating room for excessive emotions in trading rarely does any good.
#11: Muhammad Ali on training

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’”
No one likes to blow up their trading account. No one likes to see that their strategy is terrible. No one likes the fact that they don’t understand a bunch of things about the market. But guess what? You have to start somewhere and train your way up.
#12: Chuck Hays on technical indicators

“It was really later on when I decided that the reason there are so many technical indicators out there is because none of them work very well.”
It’s appealing that you might be able to engineer profits for yourself, but no combination of indicators will help you if your psychology sucks. Spend nearly as much time analyzing yourself and your behavior as you do analyzing charts.
#13: Colin R. Davis on the road to success

“The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.”
The road to success and the road to failure are not entirely different. In fact, they are pretty much the same track. It just takes more time to get to success because you meet with many failures along the way. If you don’t let them stop you, you’ll reach your destination.
#14: Roland Campbell on having pip goals

“I honestly don’t have a pip goal because I don’t want to pressure myself. I already have enough pressure.”
Aiming for a fixed number of pips each day is common among traders. However, it’s not always a smart move. You can’t control what the market throws at you. What you can control are your behavior and trading psychology. Get these right and you’ll make enough pips.
#15: Bruce Lee on who is a successful warrior

“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”
Most full-time traders are average people who decided to abandon their professions and pursue a completely different lifestyle. They were lawyers, doctors, teachers, or anything in between. They became successful in trading because they focused solely on their goal and slowly mastered every necessary component.
#16: Steve Jobs on changing the world

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Nobody says you should change the whole world. However, if you’re not exactly where you want to be in life, never let yourself believe that you can’t change that fact. Heck, it’s your own world, so why not play it on your own terms?
#17: Thomas Edison on never failing

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
In another version of this quote, Edison says that he had learned 50,000 ways it couldn’t be done and, therefore, was 50,000 times closer to the final successful experiment. Think about this the next time you’re experimenting with new techniques.
#18: Yvan Byeajee on the power of trading

“Trading doesn’t just reveal your character; it also builds it if you stay in the game long enough.”
Trading not only requires you to be highly functional in a stressful, dynamic environment but also emphasizes a cycle of practice and preparation. Whether or not you end up doing it for a living, you’ll gain valuable skills.
#19: Jack Canfield on excuses

“For every reason it’s not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded.”
Many people don’t start anything because they’re overwhelmed by the possibility of failing. What they don’t realize is that, at the moment when they give up, they have already failed. Instead of concentrating on why it’s not possible, find a reason why it is and focus on that.
#20: Confucius on progression

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”
Some goals are easy to achieve, while others take weeks, years, or even decades. No matter what path you are on, there will always be obstacles. While it may take some time to overcome these obstacles, you are moving toward the goal. That’s all that matters.
#21: John D. Rockefeller, Jr. on the secret of success

“The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well.”
It’s incredibly rare that you will come up with entirely new ideas in trading. Even if you create your own forex strategy, many traders already use something similar. The difference lies in being more disciplined, organized, and prepared than others are.
#22: Paul Willette on picking tops and bottoms

“I’ve gotten burned way too many times trying to pick tops and bottoms. I’d rather know where it’s going. All I care about is where it’s going.”
The reality is that picking tops and bottoms is difficult. Even if you get it right a few times, you’ll have a hard time doing that consistently. An easier way of making money is simply going with the trend.
#23: Henry Ford on complexity

“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.”
Massive visions can be intimidating … until you break them down into small, manageable goals. Small wins are signs that you’re on the right path. Every time you hit a goal, your confidence will increase.
#24: Henry Ford on attitude

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”
One of the most prominent industrialists of all time is also credited with some of the greatest inspirational quotes. This is another famous quote of his that shows us the power of attitude. Before you can achieve anything, you must defeat your inner limitations.
#25: Brian Tracy on having definite plans

“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.”
We always hear about how important it is to have goals in life. On the other hand, few people remind us to have well-defined plans that provide guidance along the way. Creating a trading plan is one of the most essential aspects of successful trading.
#26: Martin Schwartz on being effective

“A lot of people get so enmeshed in the markets that they lose their perspective. Working longer does not necessarily equate with working smarter. In fact, sometimes is the other way around.”
You don’t have to spend all day in front of the charts. Sure, some of you are scalping or day-trading and will naturally need more screen time than others. That’s fine, but don’t get so caught up in following the charts that you forget about everything else.
(And definitely don’t fall into the state of analysis paralysis.)
#27: Thomas Jefferson on luck

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”
While it’s true that some people are born with advantages, you can always build upon what you already have. Many “lucky” people worked hard, sometimes against enormous odds, until they got to where they ended up in life.
#28: Jim Rohn on wanting to achieve something

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”
Trading can be so difficult that it’s easy to lose your enthusiasm. However, if you’re genuinely interested in the markets, you will go the extra mile to learn and to improve yourself. True passion is a solid foundation for your trading business.
#29: Maya Angelou on determination

“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”
You will encounter failures, but you can always learn from your mistakes and become a little better each time. Even if you often get knocked down, you must get up and move forward. If you don’t let yourself be defeated, you will eventually win.
#30: Alexander Elder on emotional trading

“A trader who gets giddy from profits is like a lawyer who starts counting cash in the middle of a trial. A trader who gets upset at losses is like a surgeon who faints at the sight of blood.”
You shouldn’t get too excited about wins or losses. Instead, you must concentrate on the process of trading. The truth is, everybody – even a beginner – can win big. Winning a few times and making money on a consistent basis are two entirely different things.
#31: Alexander Elder on the mindset of profitable traders

“The goal of a successful trader is to make the best trades. Money is secondary.”
Again, successful traders don’t get too excited about wins and losses. Sure, everybody wants to make money, but successful traders know that the best way to get there is to make the best trades.
(Do you want to learn how to develop the traits of a successful trader? Read this guide.)
#32: Napoleon Hill on visualizing your success

“Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind’s eye, and you will be drawn toward it.”
Top performers know that imagining the successful version of themselves helps them achieve their goals. This technique is called visualization and it’s so effective that even Olympic athletes do it. Spend some time each day visualizing yourself as a successful trader.
#33: Tom Landry on learning from failures

“I’ve learned that something constructive comes from every defeat.”
A failure may temporarily turn your world upside down, but don’t get too caught up in your feelings. Whether it’s a lesson that gives you a new perspective, a mistake you realize you’ve been making, or something else, there’s always a benefit you can get out of these situations.
#34: Albert Einstein on compound interest

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t… pays it.”
The beauty of compounding is that you can turn a small trading account into a big one. Of course, it’s not an overnight process, but by continuously reinvesting some of your trading profits, you will exponentially increase your account over time.
#35: William James on how people can change their lives

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”
Your attitude has a tremendous impact on your life. Believe that you can achieve something and you’re halfway there. Believe that something is impossible and you’re never going to make it. Fortunately, you can always change your mentality.
#36: Ifan Wei on chart patterns

“Patterns don’t work 100% of the time. But they are still critical because they help you define your risk. If you ignore patterns and focus on hunches, feelings, and hot tips, just forget about achieving consistency.”
You probably know that chart patterns don’t work all the time. However, when you combine them with other tools and proper risk management, you will have a systematic, non-random trading approach that enables you to make money.
(Do you need an awesome chart patterns cheat sheet that lists all the important patterns with their meanings and real-life examples? If so, this guide is for you.)
#37: David Booth on investment philosophy

“The most important thing about an investment philosophy is that you have one.”
Think about how everyone is so obsessed with looking for the best indicators and chart patterns. Of course, tweaking and optimizing a system is necessary, but going to extremes may actually hurt you. The most important thing is to have a system that you love and with which you feel comfortable.
#38: Tony Hsieh on chasing your passion

“Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.”
Even if you don’t enjoy what you do for a living, you are probably hesitant about risking the financial rewards and social status you already have. That’s understandable, and not everybody has the luxury of being able to dive into risky ventures. Just keep in mind that there’s always a possibility of doing a little more of what you’re passionate about. Taking one step at a time will go a long way toward changing your life for the better.
#39: Robert Kiyosaki on the fear of losing

“Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.”
It’s natural to experience the pain of loss more strongly than the joy of gain. Behavior psychology even has a fancy phrase – “loss aversion” – to describe this tendency. While we all hate to take losses, it’s impossible to trade without losing trades. Don’t be afraid to pull the trigger when you know you have an edge over the market.
#40 Don Zimmer on lacking talent

“What you lack in talent can be made up with desire, hustle and giving 110% all the time.”
The fact that you are talented at something doesn’t mean you will succeed at it. In the same fashion, the fact that you are not very talented at something doesn’t mean you can’t succeed at it. Talent is an opportunity, but hard work and perseverance will always beat pure talent.
#41: Oprah Winfrey on knowing that you’re on the right path

“You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it.”
One of the hard things about being a forex trader is that sometimes you must work without being paid. Especially at the beginning, you will lose more often than not, and even after that, you will have losing periods. Ideally, you truly enjoy trading; otherwise, it’s hard to remain motivated.
#42: John C. Maxwell on daily routine

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
There’s a massive difference between stumbling through your day and following a specific pattern of activities. Being conscious of your daily routine will help you achieve more and prioritize the most important things.
#43: Lance Armstrong on pain

“Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.”
Everybody – even professional traders – experiences losing streaks. That doesn’t mean you should give up. Have you ever seen any casino close shop after one person wins multiple times in a row? In forex, you can be the casino. Don’t let the market intimidate you.
#44: Steven Ickow on who makes for a good day trader

“I always thought that guys who were good quarterbacks in the NFL would make good day traders.”
Quarterbacks must read and process the whole field, which requires highly-developed visual processing and decision-making skills. No question, most of these guys would start from an advantageous position in terms of day trading, as it demands roughly the same abilities.
#45: Biz Stone on how overnight successes are created

“Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.“
When you’re starting something new, you usually feel lost. That’s when you go to places like YouTube to watch educational videos. Forex gurus often give the impression of easy money, but don’t be fooled. Even if they’re honest about their lifestyles, there are years of hard work that you don’t see.
#46: Chuck D. on remaining objective

“Never let a win go to your head, or a loss to your heart.”
When you win, you can’t become greedy and bend your rules. When you lose, you can’t fall into revenge trading and risk everything to break even. Following a trading plan will ensure that you remain objective in all circumstances.
#47: Sun Tzu on the importance of timing

“He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious.”
These words come from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, an ancient guide to military strategy. Just like timing can mean the difference between winning or losing a fight, it’s also a crucial aspect of every forex trade.
#48: Peter Lynch on the math you need for trading

“All the math you need in the stock market you get in the fourth grade.” –Peter Lynch
To be a trader, you don’t need a Ph.D. in finance. In fact, in One Up on Wall Street, Lynch says that studying history and philosophy was much better preparation for the stock market than studying statistics. You need some basic numerical skills to calculate position sizes and things like that, but it’s far from complicated.
#49: John Maynard Keynes on fighting against the market

“The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”
There are times when the market behaves illogically. The initial hype around bitcoin is a great example. The problem is, you can’t really predict when the overall sentiment will change. There are success stories of going against the crowd and winning millions of dollars, but, as they say, the exceptions only confirm the rule.
#50: Jesse Livermore on uncertainty

“The obvious rarely happens, the unexpected constantly occurs.”
Often, we think that everything is so aligned that the price can only go one way. That’s when we get the biggest slaps from the market. No matter how alluring an opportunity is, always keep your risks low and never bend your rules.
#51 Walt Disney on dreams

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Let’s finish our list with this famous quote from Walt Disney. Whether you’re dreaming about having a Lamborghini, working from your home office, or living on a remote island with your family, you can make it happen.