
  • Let’s say you missed out on a large price increase. How does it feel? Probably not very good, right? Most of us know from experience how frustrating it is. Luckily, we’ve been trading for years, so we’ve learned a thing or two about making the most out of these misfortunate situations. That’s where forex flag…

  • A simple drawing tool that every charting platform has is the trend line. Traders use trend lines to illustrate the direction of the market by connecting prices on the chart. At first sight, drawing trend lines is easy, but you can quickly get lost in the details. Turns out, the same chart shows several trends,…

  • Many people are unaware of the differences between forex and cryptocurrency trading. Since we trade both forex and cryptocurrencies, we thought it would be cool to create a guide that explains the differences between the two. So, these are the areas we decided to focus on: Difficulty of getting started Knowledge intensity Transaction costs Difficulty…